Benefits of using deep tissue massage techniques for Ottawa and Orleans residents.Deep tissue massage focuses on the tissues under the superficial layer. It includes specific work and a range of techniques to rehabilitate, prevent injuries and enhance performance.

Many deep tissue massage techniques are applied with fingers, thumbs, palms, fists, forearms and elbows. These techniques used are a combination of Swedish and non-Swedish, some of which may be aggressive and will elicit some pain with their application. The pressure of the techniques is negotiated between client and therapist and the depth of pressure is only used at an acceptable and tolerable level.

Why Ottawa Residents Should Use Our Deep Tissue Massage Therapies

Deep tissue massage is often used to relieve chronic symptoms related to old scar tissue or adhesions (knots). If, for example, an individual is working at a computer station that is not optimal, postural dysfunctions will occur and place stress on certain tissues of the body such as the back of the neck and shoulders. When these stresses occur the body will adapt, but over time if the stress continues the body will produce a tissue that is more resilient, but less flexible. Now the area becomes even more restricted and over time with excess tissue being produced in the area, the tissues become stuck together (adhesions) and now scar tissue (excess non flexible tissue) develops. Our deep tissue massage therapies in Ottawa, Orleans & surrounding areas are very specific work that will address scar tissue, adhesions, tight muscles, chronic strains and postural dysfunctions.  The treatment includes stretching and strengthening of muscles, restoring range of motion, decreasing trapped edema (swelling), less pain and decreased dysfunction. The goal is to enhance overall health and restore normal function. For more information on our deep tissue massage therapies in Ottawa, Orleans and surrounding, call us today!